Thursday, December 15, 2011


Snippet #1 - A sweet friend of mine approached me a few months ago with an idea for a christmas present-project.  Some time ago, her sister passed away, leaving a closet full of sweet dresses in all kinds of neat prints.  The idea was to take these dresses and make a throw pillow and a couple of aprons.
It was so much fun!  I enjoyed creating something new from something that had already served a purpose.  I regret to say that I don't have any pictures. :(  I'll have to see if she will take a few when the presents are opened and enjoyed.
Just wanted to share the idea with others.  After I finished everything, my sisters and aunts started tossing around the idea of doing some similar projects with some of my Meme's clothes.  I love the idea of taking a dress I remember her wearing and making it something that is a part of each of our homes.

Snippet #2 - In an earlier post, I mentioned that I am part of a book club.  Well, after several meetings with great company and great food, I have to tell you, it's the greatest book club EVER.  Better than Oprah's book club. :)  My friend Amber always takes pictures at our get togethers.  I wanted to share a few in hopes that it might inspire you to start a book club or supper club with neat people in your life.

In honor of Halloween, our October book was The Shining.  We discussed this creepy book over fire roasted hot dogs and, what else?  Smores!
Your's truly.  Stuffing my face. :)
You can also read about our book club on Amber's blog. - Bobo's Bites  She's always sharing awesome recipes, too.

Snippet #3 - Look how awesome these whoopie pies look!  They would be perfect for a holiday party. - Peppermint Whoopie Pies

Gotta love random snippets. :)

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